Sunday, May 24, 2020
Child Abuse And Neglect Cause Juvenile Delinquency
Child Abuse and Neglect cause Juvenile Delinquency Strain theory describes the idea that there are certain events and conditions in an individual’s life that are disliked and involve the inability to achieve goals, loss of positively valued stimuli, and presentation of negative stimuli (Brezina and Agnew). Child neglect and abuse can be described by this theory, and often is, because of its elements and the effect it has on children. Before the idea of child abuse and neglect causing juvenile delinquency can be argued, juvenile delinquency must be defined. Brezina and Agnew define juvenile delinquency as law violations committed by minors. One of the largest debated consequences of child abuse and neglect is it causes juvenile delinquency in victims. Juvenile offenders are view by the justice system as â€Å"‘immature’ in the sense that they are less capable of appreciating the consequences of their actions, less able to exercise self-control and more easily lead astray by others.†Supports of this claim say abuse causes delinquency because weak bonds, low self-control, and confrontation with negative stimuli. There are three theories that all describe the reasons why child abuse and neglect lead to juvenile delinquency. This first of these theories is the social bonding theory which states that the weaker the bond between parent and child, the more likely the child is to become delinquent as stated by Ronald Akers. A parent’s role in an adolescent’s life is to foster a socialShow MoreRelatedBreaking Down the Walls of Delinquency1685 Words  | 7 PagesSometimes a researcher has to get to what he or she thinks is the root of the problem to figure out what spawns a certain issue. 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