Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Michael Santos Mrs. Zelnick Period 1 ! Recently, the idea of cheating had gotten much attention in the world of sports entertainment, and politics. Many celebrities have been accused of gaining a competitive edge through dishonest means. While cheating has mainly been publicly condemned, there are many that feel there are times when cheating can acutely be a way of making things better. They believe there is nothing wrong with making oneself a better athlete, entertainer, or politician if what they have done males the even more entertaining, or assist the greater good.A wise philosopher named Susannah Centivre once said, â€Å"Tis my opinion every man cheats in his own way, and he is only honest who is not discovered. †There are times when cheating is not acceptable or is never justi? ed, because everyone cheats, even if it was something little as someone copying homework from someone else. ! To begin with, Not everyone cheats as much as others. Most people cheat because they did not study or they did not do their homework, but there are people who do, do all their responsibilities.Some people rarely cheat, if they really do not know something or they had no time to do something. That is when people start to cheat. It is wrong, but if no one is perfect. Everyone cheats, even if they rarely do it. The people who does not cheat as much as others become successful even more successful than the ones who do, but there are more people who cheat a lot than those who do not. ! Subsequently, if no cheating was strictly ensured most people would not be successful as they would be being able to cheat.Studies show that each new generation gets lazier, and if no cheating was strictly ensured then each new generation would be less successful. With most of the new generations not doing any of their responsibilities, and not being able to cheat, there would be no future for them. With each of the generations not being successful, each upcoming generation would be even worst than the one before. ! Lastly, cheating is wrong, but every single person has cheated at least once. Cheating is what helped some people become that brain surgeon, or rocket scientist.Most people cheat because they were to lazy to study for the test or to lazy to do the homework. Not often that the reason they cheat is because they had no time to study or do the homework. Not everyone cheats all the time but, people still do it to accomplish a goal. Either to get an â€Å"A†in class or to get into a good college to be able to do once’s dream job. So, when people are protesting cheating because it is wrong, they have done it too, maybe not something big, but they have still done it. ! ! A wise philosopher named Susannah Centivre once said, â€Å"Tis my opinion every an cheats in his own way, and he is only honest who is not discovered. †There are times when cheating is not acceptable or is never justi? ed, because everyone cheats, even if it was something little as someone copying homework from someone else. People today cheat all the time, some people more than others. and its is important because the ones who do not get caught become somewhat successful. Clearly saying cheating is the best thing to do is not the best route, but the main idea is people do it, and you cant force people not to do it.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Water Runs Dry – North American Water Crisis
Water Runs Dry – North American Water Crisis Collectively the United States is ranked as the greatest consumers of water worldwide; a startling fact for a country that cannot support its own unrivaled demands (Barlow, 2007). The United States is now crucially dependent on nonrenewable groundwater for a staggering 50% of its daily water usage (Barlow, 2007). In addition to such formidable numbers, citizens of the United States use and waste up 80-100 gallons or 454 liters of water per day (Perlman, 2009). The United States simply doesn’t possess enough fresh water or renewable sources of water to keep up with its gross demands. Nearly 40% of U. S waters are deemed unsafe for recreational activities such as fishing and even swimming (Barlow, 2007). The Ogallala Aquifer accounts for 95% of the United State’s groundwater, but it is being pumped so rapidly, that not enough rainwater is provided the chance to replenish the source. As a result 12 billion cubic meters (bcm) a year is extracted a year which amounts to 325 bcm of total depletion; equal to the yearly flow of eighteen Colorado Rivers (BBC, 2000). At the current rates, thirty-six states stand to confront similar water crisis compared to California within the next five years (Barlow, 2007). As, the United States water crisis continues to spiral violently downhill, its neighbor, Canada has already quickly followed this American trend. Dramatically changing climates has had an indelible impact on North America’s water crisis; being the root to many distressing issues. The most physically visible of these issues is the rapid melting of glaciers in the North that have been wearing thin due to increasing temperatures. The result of these melting glaciers means rivers in Canada such as the Alberta Bow’s in 50 years will be left with absolutely no flowing water aside from occasional flash floods that won’t be able to permanently restore the river (Barlow, 2007). Melting glaciers overseas will also become a very important concern as water from glaciers account for half of the worlds freshwater which at this current rate will not be able to sustain future generations. Glaciers that are melting in the seas translate to tremendous and unaffordable loss of drinking water as the freshwater diffuses into the saltwater. Further effects of climate shift will lead to evaporation of lakes which is already transpiring in the St. Lawrence River, Prairies and Great Lakes. However, one catastrophic problem that arises which may silently extinguish entire populations of life is the surging levels of acidity in the oceans; something that is being overlooked. In conclusion, the water crisis in North America has created overwhelming ecological changes, and heavy economic strain as a product of reckless over-consumption of water by humans. The effect of water pollution and vast lack of renewable water will cause great conflicts between the nations. With the water supply rapidly draining, practically Canada’s ‘abundance’ of freshwater, there needs to be a global consciousness towards the crisis. In order for North America and the world to curb the water crisis, there must first be realization and acknowledge by everyone that it exists. The next step to hindering the crisis is to sacrifice and reduce as much wasting of renewable water resources as possible, especially here in the developed world, where people are fortunate to have the surplus of resources to have access to water; whereas billions endure a daily struggle to find a glass of water. The water crisis affects everyone worldwide and the perception of this crisis being a nation versus nation, every country for themselves affair will ultimately lead to catastrophic war over water. We need to be unified in finding plausible solutions and start treating renewable water for what it is-a finite resource. Our generations always discuss about how the future will never see beautiful national parks and magnificent landscapes, but at this rate they may not ever lay eyes on lakes or rivers as the water runs dry. References BBC. (2009). World Water Crisis. _ BBC_. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://www. bizjournals. com /losangeles/stories/2009/04/20/daily19. html Los Angeles Business. (2009). California to restart 5,000 projects. Los Angeles Business. _ _ Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://www. bizjournals. com/losangeles/stories/2009/04/20/ daily19. html Perlman, H. (2008). Irrigation water use. USGS. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://ga. water. usgs. gov/edu/wuir. html Perlman, H (2009). Water Q&A: Water use at home. USGS. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http:// ga. water. usgs. gov/edu/wuir. html Science Daily. (1999). Water Over Water Predicted by United Nations Environmental Official. Science Daily. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://www. sciencedaily. com/releases/1999/ 01/990106075344. htm Yi, M. (2009). Water projects to get $260 million of stimulus. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved April 21, 2009, http://www. sfgate. com/cgi-bin/article. cgi? f=/c/a/2009 /04/15/MNUQ1735QH. DTL
Monday, July 29, 2019
How successful is concealment in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Essay
â€Å"†¦the more it looks like Queer Street, the less I ask.†How successful is concealment in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Jekyll and Hyde is a novel which addresses the drug usage that went on behind closed doors in 1890’s Britain. Also much of the book id based on some of Stevenson’s own experience’s of drug use because from very early childhood Stevenson was on a strict regime of drugs to deal with various aliments. Throughout the novel concealment is used to keep the reader interested in the novel, both physical and metaphorical concealment is used. For example at the very start of the test Jekyll’s will is concealed from us so we are not exactly sure what the issues with Edward Hyde are. This keeps the interested and encourages them to read on to learn more of the texts sudden interest with Edward Hyde. Another example of physical concealment is Dr Lanyon’s letter to Mr Utterson the lawyer when Uttterson receives the letter the audience, for a moment are lead to believe that this is the end and they will finally find out what is going on. Then the first envelope is open an again no joy but the audience continue to read on with the fresh hope that soon this envelope will be opened & all will be revealed. Examples of metaphorical concealment would be when Utterson urges Jekyll to come clean and explain why Hyde is in his will but he refuses to give an explanation there fore refusing the audience explanation of why he is so fond of Hyde. Also throughout the text Steven son conceals things from the reader by telling things from a different points of view, nothing is ever explained in one go from one perspective. This creates ambiguity as the things that Stevenson does reveal could mean many different things. This causes suspense in the readers. There are many different reasons for things to be concealed in the text by both Stevenson and the characters; the characters conceal things from themselves and each other because they are scared of what would happen if they didn’t. In the 1890’s people were extremely God fearing people and anything scientific could be considered evil as this would be meddling with Gods work and not only would Jekyll and other characters be ashamed of themselves for having anything to do with and would not want others to find out they had any connections to this. Also there everyday lives were very routine based, so why disrupt this comfy, cosy routine when they could just cover it up? Why cause all this trouble over something they could just cover look and ignore. Stevenson chooses to conceal things from the reader to help the reader relate to the character and understand just how in the dark they really were about what was going on at the time. Also it helps create tension, ambiguity and suspense in the text. With in the novel Stevenson conceals hidden themes showing what was happening at the time in Victorian Britain; such as the outrage towards Darwin’s theory of evolution, at the time people strongly believed in God and was against science. Darwin was purposing that we all came from animals; these ideas had major repercussions as it went against everything the church had worked so hard to preach. Stevenson put these things in to get a reaction as he knew in a strongly religious Victorian Britain the fact that Hyde shows some animal like instincts and cannot control this would not go down to well. Another concealed theme would be degeneration, as at that time society were concerned that human nature was becoming worse and evil was becoming more dominant in peoples characteristics, Stevenson uses this when he shows how Hyde is slowly but surely becoming Jekyll’s stronger persona. Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein share some of the same themes such as concealment, as when the Doctor creates his monster and rejects him , he becomes very secluded and ill as does DR Jekyll in Jekyll and Hyde. Also the books contain similar use of weather and animal imagery. This may be because they come from the same area. Stevenson shows great decadence in this novel as at the time Victorians were strongly opposing science and all of it attributes, Stevenson seemed to be trying to throw off the restraints of society at the time by referring to Hyde’s animal like ways well he was trampling the girl, thus high lighting Darwin’s theory that was frowned upon at the time. Also reflected in Stevenson’s Jekyll & Hyde was the fin-de-siecle, this is because the level of evil becomes slowly greater towards the end of the book until finally everything came to an end this connotes the concerns that everything was slowly getting worse as time went on. In the next things are concealed from the reader by Stevenson, concealed from the characters by other characters by other characters and also characters will conceal things from themselves to make themselves feel better. The effect of the reader not knowing what is going on is that they constantly feel the need to keep reading to gain more knowledge about the illusive Mr Hyde. The effect of the reader finding out things at the same time as the characters helps the reader emphasize with the characters so they can see things more easily from there point of view so this helps the reader understand more clearly what is going on in the book. The consequences of concealment are different for different characters. Utterson was protected from Hyde purely because of his lack of knowledge about him and how he is created. Lanyon, however is killed when all is revealed to him so perhaps it would have been far safer for certain characters to have things concealed from them rather than not. Concealment is what overall resulted in the death of Henry Jekyll, as he thought firstly that he could conceal his evil mannerisms in Edward Hyde and go about his evil under the name of Edward Jekyll but he fails and in the end (all though the other characters do not get to learn this we do) we see that all Hyde is to Jekyll is a disguise, not in fact an evil alter ego, but his own evil way encased in a different person. Things begin to slowly be revealed through the novel, as documents are opened and characters crack under pressure and share there secrets with someone else. Some things remain concealed almost until the very end such as Jekyll & Hyde being one person. Jekyll was forced to reveal his drug use to unsuspecting Lanyon when he turned into Hyde in the night and could not reach his cabinet to get the drugs out. This was disastrous as the shock of seeing all this evil killed him in the end. At this point it was already too late to help save Jekyll from his ever looming fate. This was successful in the terms of engaging the reader with the story as it leaves you wondering who Jekyll might reveal his deep dark secret to next. People were also made to understand how small & desperate the drug addict can feel sometime, but Lanyon’s shock and unwillingness to help once he new the situation connotes how people would turn a drug user away today because they fear for there own safety; because of all this I believe Stevenson was very successful in highlighting these issues. At the end of the novel the exact true circumstances of Jekyll’s death are concealed. This leaves the reader to draw there own conclusions from the information they are given by Stevenson. This helps add mystery to the plot and readers can draw there own conclusion, and think up an ending most fitting for them. The modern reader can relate to the text in so many ways, such as the pressure and longing to be bad, teens can relate this to there everyday life because they fell they need to miss behave to gain the respect of there friends. In the league of extraordinary gentlemen men the fact that Hyde is much larger than Jekyll helps show that evil has a bigger presence, and the pull of evil is much more appealing in today’s society. Also some teens can relate to the drug usage in the book as when Jekyll becomes Hyde he does everything he would love to as Jekyll, he can truly be himself. Teens can identify with this because they take drugs to relax, to have fun; some feel they can only do this with drugs in there system. In society today concealment still plays a very big part, parents conceal evil such as drugs, drinking etc from there children by trying to keep them away from this. But instead children will adapt a Jekyll and Hyde like persona’s one for there parents were the none of these bad things exist and one for there friends were they can be as bad as they like with no repercussions. Stevenson was successful in bringing these issues to light as he helped highlight just how much of the true human nature is repressed and hidden away.
Lack of Staff diversity in prisons Research Paper
Lack of Staff diversity in prisons - Research Paper Example Added to this is the diverse racial and ethnic population in today’s prisons, the diverse levels of education of the prison population, the lack of diversity of staff in the corrections system and the need for educational support that is equitable for all prisoners. Lack of Staff Diversity in Prisons Introduction There has been a dramatic increase over the past few decades in the number of women who enter the field of corrections and in fact, there is reported to be significantly more women employed in jails and prisons than men. This has resulted in gender-based issues relating to corrections employment that needs examined in the research. In addition, there has been a significant increase in the number of women who are being incarcerated in today’s prisons and this too has affected and served to change the face of the environment for those employed in prisons corrections facilities. Added to this is the diverse racial and ethnic population in today’s prisons, t he diverse levels of education of the prison population, the lack of diversity of staff in the corrections system and the need for educational support that is equitable for all prisoners. I. ... y reported having been conducted at three Midwestern prisons states finding that â€Å"no relationship between gender and job stress was found.†(Lambert, et al, 2007, p.18) A separate study conducted of correctional officers at a Southwestern correctional facility reports findings that â€Å"no significant relationship between gender and job stress†was found. (p.18) In yet another study conducted among Pacific Northwest correctional officers findings show that â€Å"†¦female and male staff had similar levels of burnout in terms of emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment.†(Lambert, et al, 2007, p. 18) Findings show that female and male respondents â€Å"generally reported the same level of job stress.†(Lambert, et al, 2007, p. 18) Lambert et al (2007) reports that the research on differences in corrections to date on gender issues is â€Å"rather mixed. There is support that men and women differ in some areas, while in other areas, there appears to be no gender difference between correctional officers and their works and work attitudes.†(p.19) Britton (1997) reports conclusions from a qualitative study that â€Å"gender was important in how correctional staff perceived their work environments†although quantitative studies are reported to have found no differences. However, other quantitative studies did find differences in this area of study. The work of Reijnders (1996) entitled â€Å"A Library Service for Multicultural Groups in Dutch Prisons†reports that many of the prisoners in the Netherlands are not able to understand Dutch and this results in isolation for these prisoners. However, delivery of books in the language of the prisoners assists in easing the time they are incarcerated. However, gathering a collection of foreign books that are diverse in
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Rise of modern Chinese Nationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Rise of modern Chinese Nationalism - Essay Example In one of its earliest forms during the early twentieth century, Chinese movement led by the Han majority began to overthrow the Qing dynasty under which China was ruled by the Manchu .Ethnic nationalism views the nation as politicized ethnic group and often produces a state -seeking movement to create an ethnic nation-state. After the fall of the Qing in 19121, the Kuomintang (KMT) and the CCP in 1949 defined as a multi ethnic political community. In general the rise of modern nationalism in China has played a great role in the contemporary China. Therefore the nature and role of this Nationalism can be assessed in terms of economical aspects, political conditions, military developments and enhancement of foreign relations as explained below:- Prior to 1978, the Chinese economy was centrally planned. However, after this period the Chinese leadership, started moving the economy to a more market oriented system .The system still works under the control of the communist, but the economic influence as non-state managers and enterprises has been increasing steadily. The Chinese authorities have adopted a system of household responsibility in agriculture instead of the old collectivization, increased the authority of local officials and plant managers in industry, permitted a wide variety of small scale enterprise in services and manufacturing, as well as opened the economy of increased foreign trade and investment. The developments of economic growth in china can be assessed in the the following sectors. b) Agriculture. China is the largest producer and consumer of agricultural products. Half of China's labor force is engaged in agriculture, even though only 10% of the land is suitable for cultivation and agriculture contribute only 13% of china's GDP. China produces about 30% more crops and livestock than U.S. because of intensive cultivation. Largely china produces rice, wheat, Soya beans, vegetables, tea and pork. Major food crops include cotton, fibers and oil seeds. c) Industry. Industry has posted major gains especially in coastal areas near Hong Kong and opposite Taiwan where foreign investment helped spurs output of both domestic and export goods. Major industries are mining or processing, steel, aluminum, coal, machinery, textile, Petroleum, cement, fertilizers, toys, electronics, automobiles and telecommunications. d) Science and Technology. China's political leadership comes almost from technical background and has a high regard for science. Chinese science strategists see China's greatest opportunities in newly emerging fields such as biotechnology and computers. Further US-China science and technology has remained the framework for bilateral cooperation. Recently technology agreement was to extend science and technology. Agreement was signed the agreement. The agreement covers cooperation in areas such as Marine conservation, renewable energy and health. e) Trade: China has advanced in Trade. China's primary trading
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Discuss the themes expolred in George Eliot's Adam Bede Essay
Discuss the themes expolred in George Eliot's Adam Bede - Essay Example She lived in a male dominated society and which is why she was forced to satisfy her desire of writing by acquiring a Pseudonym, which was again a male name â€Å"George Eliot†. She was a rebel and her novels were not fantasies but were based on real life experiences. In this novel she has explored various themes like – Class Discrimination, Love, Motherhood, Identity of Women, Human Infanticide, Industry, Nature, Adultery and Reputation in the society. Every character in Eliot’s novel bears some kind of significance. Each one possesses certain traits that make readers understand how a person should be or should not be. As every character unfolds in the novel, we find how skillfully, Eliot has dealt with different themes or issues in the form of events or happenings in the lives of those characters. Every character is the personification of every theme, which the writer intends to convey to the readers. Adam Bede, the protagonist of this novel is a carpenter by profession. He is a very lovable character, good looking and is a true moralist. He is described to have extra-ordinary skills in carpentry. He falls in love with Hetty Sorel, the orphaned niece of Mr. Poyser. Mr and Mrs. Poyser feel that Hetty and Adam would make a good match, as they both belong to the same social class. On the other side, Captain Arthur Donnithorne, who is the grandson of the Squire Donnithorne also is in love with Hetty. He is physically attracted towards her but suddenly changes his mind and thinks that it would not be good to continue his courtship with Hetty, who belongs to a lower class than his. Hetty too loves Arthur and dreams of marrying Captain Arthur and becoming a gentlewoman. She dreams of the riches and the respect she would be getting after marrying Arthur. Thus we come to know that marriage was moreover based on social class than love. Before marrying every person thought of the reputation or the standard of his or her partner. Thus we see that Eliot has
Friday, July 26, 2019
Medical Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Medical Ethics - Essay Example Forceful circumstances that can dictate the amputation of limbs include stopping the spread of a certain condition like malignant cancer to other parts of the body, serious diabetes or an extensively fractured/damaged leg. However, some people may demand such a medical operation despite their perfect state of health. An example is a person with a rational desire to have one of their perfectly healthy limbs amputated. In such a case, serious issues in the field of medical ethics have to be considered before the physicians can go ahead with the amputation or reject this request. The aim of this paper is to give an argument that physicians have a moral reason to permit the individual to go through with the amputation. The second part of the paper gives an objection to this argument followed by a justification of the stronger argument. Argument in support for the amputation as a moral duty One of the critical ethical issues to be considered in the case of such a request is patient autono my. First of all, it is very true to say that every person has the right to do whatever they want with their bodies. This is because the issue of personal autonomy has to be respected. In fact, it is one of the ethical principles in the medical field. Despite this, any request concerning medical procedures that comes directly from the patient has to indicate some rationality behind it. In this case, the patient has expressed a rational desire to have their perfectly healthy limb amputated. Despite being a rational desire, the request has higher chances of being granted if it expresses the person’s autonomy. In order to arrive at a good conclusion regarding this case, it is important to make a thorough examination of the concept of rational desires and how they relate to personal autonomy. Savulescu made a distinction between desires and rational desires. According to him, a rational desire is a desire that a person expresses while in possession of all relevant facts while "vi vidly imagining" what its consequences would be for them. At the time of its expression, the person should not commit any relevant error of logic as well (Savulescu a 121). Savulescu goes ahead to explain that a desire must be a rational desire or satisfy a person's rational desires for it to be treated as an expression of the person's autonomy. The principle of autonomy has a big role in the medical field hence it is a general requirement that physicians should respect the autonomous choices of their patients. According to Beauchamp and Childress (99), autonomy can be described as self-rule, that is, free from limitations such as limited understanding, that may prevent rational/meaningful choices, and controlling inferences from other persons. From this description, it is clear that autonomy is complete if the person is in a position to make meaningful or rational choices. These choices are later expressed as rational desires. In other words, the expression of rational desires is t he practice of personal autonomy. On the other hand, autonomy is the expression of such rational demands. This means the concepts of rational desires and autonomy are inseparable. Instead, they are an expression of each other. This means any decision made within the boundaries of informed consent is a guided by both a respect to the rational autonomy of a person and their rational desires. Going against this informed consent will therefore
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8
Hinduism - Essay Example Although I have always been interested in this subject but never had the time to learn more about it from books. This visit gave me a short course on the history of Hinduism. My expectations were met, and I had a fun learning time. I want to find out more through this interactive way about every topic. I took notes while I was there. They will surely help me in my studies. The hierarchical structure of Hindu Gods surprised me. I was aware that there are many Gods in Hinduism, but ranks and power structures came to me as a surprise. In addition, I was also interested in the use of colors in pictures and statues of Hindu Gods. For instance, blue color is extensively used. Hindus paint their idols (statues) blue or make their paintings and images. Their Gods also transform into other creatures or appear in some other manner than the regular ones. For instance, the Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection has a painting by Catherine Roche (see figure 1) where Vishnu, is painted blue, in the form of a boar and holding Lakshmi on his tusks. The sounds of temple bells and chanting of religious heads were the most prominent sounds. The mood of the gathering was very serious. Some people seemed to be meditating while some were whispering prayers. It was clearly visible how much they believed that their Gods were listening to their prayers. It was evident to see that their religion meant so much to them. They seemed to find comfort in their chanting. My personal reaction to Hindu practices and rituals is very objective. Religions, belief systems, self-esteem, and opinions are very sensitive subjects. They hold very high values for their followers. I observed Hindu practices and paintings as if I am discovering a new culture. Their philosophy of life and their Gods stand different from the Greek mythology. For instance, Hindus worship many idols. There are Gods with different powers and appearances but in the end they are all part
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Anything about Cause and Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Anything about Cause and Effect - Essay Example For the most part, the amount of waste and/or trash that is generated in terms of the production of goods and shipment worldwide is not contingent on the actual product itself. Instead, the majority of the trash and waste that is produced is contingent upon the packaging that is utilized to the product. Each and every year hundreds of thousands of tons of packing waste find its way into the landfills of developed and developing nations around the globe. The ultimate cause of all of this is globalization; however, the ultimate fact is that more and more landfills around the globe are filling up with waste products that were never used and only served as a means of transportation or safekeeping great product from one location to another. 1 As a function of understanding this cause-and-effect relationship, the following analysis will discuss how these effects are impacting upon the environment and what can ultimately be done to defend the environment from this unfortunate paradigm. One of the first and most obvious effects of the explosion in packaging waste has to do with the fact that it is being experienced firsthand in landfills around the globe. It is estimated by some scholars that in excess of 40% of all waste products that are disposed of and are ultimately nonbiodegradable are in fact related to product packaging. Accordingly, as the planet now supports in excess of 7 billion individuals, this is an issue that has to be addressed prior to further human development even being considered. Essentially, the wastefulness of product packaging and the focus on the bottom line, instead of the overall environmental impact, is an issue that will doom the planet unless it is addressed.2 Another noticeable impact and the fact that this particular situation espouses is related to the vast deforestation that must necessarily take place in order for much of this packing material to be provided to the end consumer. The most part, packaging material is
Summary of us vs morris 928 F .2d 504 (2d cir 1991) Essay
Summary of us vs morris 928 F .2d 504 (2d cir 1991) - Essay Example According to the appellant, the most that he could have been guilty of was exceeding his authorized access, a far less serious offence (US vs Morris 1991). Affirming the lower court’s conviction, the appellate court examined the legislative history of the 1986 Act. The 1986 amends a previous 1984 legislative provision which called for prosecution of persons who knowingly gained unauthorized access to federal interest computers and caused damages and prevented authorized use of the computer. The appellate court felt that the reason for the change from knowingly to intentionally was to ensure that persons who carelessly, mistakenly, or inadvertently gained unauthorized access to federal interest computers would not be caught by the act. Moreover, the mens rea of knowingly might not be appropriate in cases where computer technology was involved (US vs Morris 1991). However, the appellate court did not feel that the legislative intent to preclude inadvertent, mistaken and careless access to federal interest computers from criminal prosecutions in an appropriate case.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Sociology of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Sociology of Education - Essay Example The paper tells that functionalism theory is structuralist in nature and though its influence has waned over the past decades, it still makes important contributions in education system and society. Functionalism holds that the main objective of education is maintenance of â€Å"social order in society†. To ensure maintenance of social order in the society, the theory emphasizes on indoctrinating new generations with norms and values contained in education curriculum. In United Kingdom, the sociological importance of functionalism has declined, but in education institutions, the theory continues playing a significant role in defining and shaping the guiding policies. According to Chris and Tony, the underlying ideologies of functionalism, which include competition, consensus and achievement through merit, define education in addition to politics in the United Kingdom. According to Hill and Cole, broad groups of people and their behaviour is the major focus of functionalism. In respect to the role of education in society, the theory focuses on several major aspects, namely institutional relationships and functional linkage with society and merit based systems. In relation to institutional relationships, functional theory emphasises on the role of education in linking other social institutions such as family with occupational engagements. In contemporary society, Cole argues education plays an important role in linking the basic unit of society with the workplaces through various mechanisms. For instance, education institutions develop the capacities of human resources through training. By setting various criteria for training of these professionals, education institutions ensure that the society has a balanced pool of human resources to meet its needs (David and Barry 1985). At personal or individual levels, functionalism theory holds that education acts as an agent of secondary socialisation (Gillborn, and Mirza, 2000). By expanding or broadening individ ual experience through education, a child is prepared to take over the role of an adult in workplaces and society (Arum, and Beattie, 2000, p72). Meritocracy, in functionalist perspective plays a major role in ensuring that education performs its role in socialisation and promoting institutional linkage. According to, David and Barry (1985, p53), meritocracy refers to a system that â€Å"offers rewards to an individual based on ability and effort†. Examples of rewards in the current society include job opportunities, high remuneration and elevated social status. Therefore, functionalists hold that rewards in society should be awarded to individuals who demonstrate high ability or effort rather than on grounds of nepotism, status of an individual or family background. In education, meritocracy has created competition in different levels of education because of various rewards offered on attaining a particular level. In United Kingdom, education qualifications at various levels such as GCSE and A levels determine the career that an individual can pursue or qualification for admission in available institutions of higher learning (Cole, 2009, p269). In
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon Essay Example for Free
The Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon Essay People are more likely to comply with a larger favor if a smaller favor is asked first. The Foot-in-the-Door refers to an influence technique based on getting a person to do a large favor by starting out with a smaller favor and building up. The research subjects were normal randomly assigned people whom were contacted at their homes and asked to place a small sign in their windows to promote recycling. The subjects were also given and incentive of nothing, one dollars, or three dollars. Later, half of the participants were asked about why they complied with the behavior while the other half was not. Two weeks later, both the control and experimental groups were asked to comply with a moderate or large second favor relating to recycling. After, the behaviors and intentions of the participants were recorded. Then, a subgroup of the experimental participants and a second control group were asked to respond to a community poll which contained attitudes toward recycling and personal involvement. The experiment was commenced in order to test the usefulness of the phenomenon on a social behavior context (Scott, 1977). The Foot-in-the-Door phenomenon has come up numerous times in my childhood regarding a simple commute to a friend’s house. It starts out with me asking my parents if I could walk down the block over to see my friend. I then call home and ask if I could stay a couple hours or so longer to which my parents usually agree to. Sooner or later I might call home again and ask if I could sleep over which usually end up in my parents complying with the idea. In the movie Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne/Batman asks Luscious Fox many favors regarding the battle gear. At first, Bruce casually asks Fox if he can â€Å"borrow†the gear for exploring the cave after he was introduced to it. Later he asks for a vehicle to come in black which Fox indifferently agreed to. Although some favors were obliged to Fox, he may have declined many of Bruce’s requests.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Khadijah bint Khawailid
Khadijah bint Khawailid Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) Introduction: Have you ever wondered about the right way of living and what may human being may do and may not? Human being can do anything they want except what Allah has prohibited them to do. The right path of living that human should adopt the Islamic principles in accordance with the Quran. The teaching of Islam illustrates the limits of humans behaviors. What is right and what is wrong that individual can do rightly. If someone decides to go beyond these principles, he will face troubles both in this world and in hereafter. Strictly, without exceptions, both men and women must follow the laws of Islam. As I looked throughout the history of people who influenced our lives variously, I decided to examine a group of women who are the Prophet Muhammads wives (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him) due to their importance in our lives and specially women. I believe that they are the best women that have immensely lived their lives according to Islamic laws, as well as, they have accomplished greatness, mainly through their actions. They gained the pure love and ultimate respect by everyone both at their time when they were alive and also after they died; therefore, I will mainly focus on Khadijah, the daughter of Khuwaylid (the first wife of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them) exploring her character qualities. Background: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with her) was porn in the year 556 CE. She is the daughter of Khawailid bin Asad and Fatima bint Zaed. Her father was a well-known businessperson and leader in the trip of Quraish. She got married to Abu Halah Malak bin Nabash at-Tamimi and had two children named, Halah and Hind. After he passed away, she married Atiq bin ‘Aith al-Makhzoomi and had a daughter named Hindah. Their marriage did not last for a long due to incompatibility, which they divorced thereafter. Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) ran her fathers business. Her long-term vision and intelligence accommodated her to further succeed and expand her business. She hired very skilled business people to export superior Makkan commodities to other countries, which may be as far away as Syria through them. They would, in turn, bring back commodities from these countries to Makkah, which made Makkah considered as a central trading town in Arabia. She use d to compensate her managers who forerun and lead the trading fifty percent of the profit as well as motivation and promising. When Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) heard about the prophet Muhammad honesty and integrity (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him), she sent him a job offer, then, he accepted the offer. In the first business trip, Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) sent her trusted servant Maysara to associate the Prophet Muhammad (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him). Maysara was very astonished by Prophet Muhammads behaviors, character, and qualities (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him). On their way back, Maysara disclosed some events to Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) that made her beyond impressed with her new manger prophet Muhammad (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him); therefore, she was so impressed by him and considered marrying him because such principles and values were not common in all men. She decided that he would be the best of the spouses although a lot of the most well known upper clas s men of Quraish had previously proposed to her; however, she rejected all of them and proposed to the prophet Muhammad (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him). Subsequently, Abu Talib, the Prophets uncle, had given the proposed marriage. Then, the prophet Muhammad (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him) and Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) got married. When the prophet Muhammad got married to Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with them), he was twenty-five years old whereas she was forty years old. Qualities and Characteristics: First, Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) had important qualities. One of which, she was a very supportive wife to her husband, the prophet Muhammad (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him). She helped him in very difficult moments by her cheerful words, judgment, and wisdom. She was always as a good companion when the world was opposing him. She perfectly illustrated a good Muslim marriage from many different prospective. They shared everything mutually in a loving way that spouses should do to maintain ideal and easy life. She was a great supporter and partner that he could rely on in some matters. At the beginning of the prophet mission, he faced many obstacles; however, she stood next to him compassionately. When he heard any unpleasant word from people, he would return to her, and she would advise and strength him. To further demonstrate her supportive rule of the Prophet Muhammads life (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him), he once stated that â €Å"She believed in me when people denied me, she trusted me when people belied me; she supported me with her wealth when people refused to support me and I was blessed with children by her when I was denied children by other women.†Furthermore, Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) was devoted and dedicated wife to her husband the prophet Muhammad (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him) and ideal mother to her children. She gave birth to most of the prophets children except Ibraaheem. Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) bore five children. The first child, son, they had was named Qasim. He passed away at an age of two years. They also had another son named Abd-Allah who died in his infancy. Unfortunately, they both died in their early years. In addition, the prophet Muhammad and Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with them) had four daughters. They fortunately survived. Ruqayya, Umm Kulthum, Zaynab, and Fatima Zahra. The prophet Muhammad (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him) had another child, named Ibrahim, from Maria al-Qibtiyya that he married years after Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) passed away. Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) was fundamentally fulfilled with outstanding manners. She never argued with her husband or annoyed him. The prophet Muhammad (may Allahs blessings and peace be upon him) said: â€Å"Angel Jibreel came to me and said: ‘Give Khadijah the good tidings that she will have a palace made of hollowed pearls in Paradise and there will be neither noise nor any trouble in it.†(Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim) Moreover, Khadijah bint Khawailid (may Allah be pleased with her) was a perfect icon in her religion. She was the first person and female to convert to Muslim. She lived the righteousness, greatness, and glory. Allahs Messenger said, â€Å"Maryam [Mary, Jesus mother] was the best woman of her time, and the best woman of this Ummah is Khadijah.†(Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim) In addition, she was noble and created a noble family. She would reap the fruit of her labor. She and her daughter became the best in paradise of females; therefore, the prophet said the foregoing statement. Work Cited
Saturday, July 20, 2019
EBays Growth Strategies: An Analysis
EBays Growth Strategies: An Analysis To gain market in India, eBay has to change the way it operates. has to develop and implement new strategies for the change management. Using the following table the best theory to use is Lippitts Phases of Change Theory. This theory consists of 7 steps and it mainly focuses on change agents roles and responsibilities compared to evolution of change in the organization. Implementing Lippitts phases of change theory on The problem: eBay failed to make its impression in India, one main reason is the countrys internet and technology is still developing unlike in USA, where internet and technology growth reached its maturity level. People in India consider eBay as a virtual market, and so they dont believe in it, when compared to retail and wholesale markets. eBay is unable to adapt the different languages and cultures in the country so it is unknown to most of the people. Motivation and capacity for change: eBay has enough capacity for the change, and to localize itself in various states/cultures it needs to appoint local business people/change agents, who are familiar with local markets and the technology. Increase in fuel price, inflation, and recession are forcing people to choose other methods to purchase products they need, so eBay is the choice people have, and the change agent if able to inspire them the organization will grow strong in the market within few months. Change Agent and Resources: Recruiting those individuals who know the local market as well as have good knowledge about the internet and technology can be helpful. To check the motivation and commitment of the agent, he/she will be assessed through few interviews and other psychological tests. As the organization depends mainly on internet and technology, the required resources are available in India, like manpower, transportation, etc. Progressive change objects: Developing action plans and strategies with respect to different cultures and languages needs those language and culture experts, organization should employee those people before they build their strategies. The main goal here is to gain the customers belief and get close to them so they know the organization. Aims of this process are to decrease complexity and achieve operational excellence. Role of Change Agent: organization should define what they are expecting from the change agent, and change should be clear about what his/her duties are and should make it clear for the organization and other employees, and customers, by which no one gets confused in the process of change. Maintaining the Change: developing new strategies for marketing, like campaigns, advertisements about the organization and how the organization operates is very important for the organization. Taking feedbacks and review helps organization to understand how people are reacting and what are the other changes the organization needs to make, to increase belief on the organization? Change Agent: once organization reached a stage where people are believing in the organization and are able to communicate properly without any problem, the role of change agent should be lessened and the change process should be terminated slowly. What would you do differently if undertaking a project of this nature in the future? Following above steps can increase the belief of the people on the organization, but I would like to concentrate on one specific point i.e. existence of the organization in the virtual environment. The main reason, why people dont believe the is because of its virtual existence, and I would like to change that in to physical existence. Both buyers and sellers are customers of the organization and they can do it online, but I would like to provide a small place/ business centre where people can come and meet directly and exchange goods or products. By this process people will be more attracted towards the organization and customers belief towards the organization increases. However, this contradicts with the idea of online marketing but, this process should be and will be followed only for few days, until and up to the organization gains the belief of its customers. And we use this business centre only for those customers who are willing to come and for complex situations to reduce complexity. Factors which can influence the change management process Power: many organizations follow hierarchical power i.e. managers take decisions, sometimes with the support of employees and sometimes without the support of employees, about the process and strategies that organization is going to follow. Here management of eBay considers buyers and sellers are equally powerful to make their own decisions. Culture: eBay is a massive community with unique culture. In the site individuals can find articles offering wider information than just auction listing or price lists or web site tools. eBay creates opportunities for people, it cares its customers, and making a difference in the world. It explains us the unique psychology, attitudes, and beliefs and values of the management and founders of eBay. Communication: organizational communication and interpersonal communication plays a vital role in effective change management. Organization communication is leader communicating with the employees through meeting, conferences, or electronic mails. This information in general is for everyone in the organization to explain new strategies or action plans to its employees. Interpersonal communication is communication between management and employees, in general to provide information on what they are expecting from the employees and what organization aims at. It is also useful in taking feedbacks as not all the employees work and learns at same-pace. Interpersonal communication increases relationship between employees and management which is very important for an organization to sustaining change. Conclusion: eBay was able to make a strong impact on the market in USA, UK, etc. because the growth of technology in these countries was too high. eBay inc primarily depend on the internet for its existence and without internet and technology it cannot exists. In countries like India, where internet and technology is still growing and didnt reach its maturity level, it is hard for the organization to grow and make an impact on the market. Education level of the customers also plays an important role in online business, developing new software to make selling and buying process simple also plays a role in the development of the organization. Technology is a macro environmental factor, meaning organizations like eBay cannot control or increase the growth of technology in markets like India. So, developing new strategies like building physical existence rather than virtual existence can make a difference, it is not necessary to start a retail market but proving a business centre, where people can come in case of necessary and delivery issues can increase belief of customers on the organization. Providing local language call centres and customers support centres also helps organization to grow in the developing markets. Change is necessary in the present world, increase in globalization and internationalization is forcing organization to change and develop new strategies to gain the markets and customers. Because of increase in competition organizations are changing their products and markets to gain competitive advantage. In one way or another change is coming into the organizations, and managing change is very important as improper manage of change can destroy organization. An American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang | Analysis An American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang | Analysis According to Chun, who has studied the typical Asian American stereotypes and the myth of their success, Asian American descendants have been pressured into assimilating within an inflexible mold of Americanization to avoid the anti-Oriental stereotypes and prejudices of American society (The Myth). Chuns observation indicates that minority youth in the United States are constantly hard pressed by the biased and unequal educational system that is majorly dominated by those who enjoy white privileges. Shim argues in his article, which introduces the history of yellow stereotypes in America since 1800s, that the entertainment industry plays a critical role to enforce and expand racist practices through the false presentation of Asian stereotypes (From Yellow). Based on the strong influence of the media to young generations, stereotypes are extensively imitated and exercised at schools. In American Born Chinese, a graphic novel written by an Asian American immigrant Gene Luen Yang, the author successfully communicates to the audience of unjustified stereotypes faced by Asian American youth that equally share his cultural background at schools (American). Themes Yangs primary message of the novel is to persuade students to overcome racial adversities and accept their true identities. He effectively utilizes pathos in the scenes where everyone dislikes Chin-Kees abnormal behavior and where Jin constantly has to fight against Asian stereotypes to highlight the hardships of acculturation of young generation in America. On the other hand, the implicit message of the novel is to allow educators to notice and seek for solutions on racial discrimination against non-white groups students that discourage their academic motivation and cultural preservation. In light of Yangs primary and secondary messages, the audience can learn that culture is not static or inherent for anyone. Instead, it is reproduced and learned by young generation as an account of evolving and complex progress through educational experience. Yang appeals to the greatest level of audience with three different genres and demonstrate to them the idea that minority youth culture is s haped and distorted in academic environment through the use of stereotyped behaviors, provocative language and ironic caricatures of Chin-Kee in the novel. Yang adopts three genres to targets audience from the general category of those who endeavor to identify their cultural heritage to the non-white minority groups in the American society. He expresses in an interview that, My Chinese heritage informs the way that I am an American (Youtube). These words indicate that Yang wants to draw the attention of Asian American immigrant specifically through the novel because of his academic experience. Nonetheless, the books increasing popularity successfully brought the attention of educators and critics of American power structures. He is able to reach different levels of audience for the reason that multi-culture education reflects the interaction of each individual pupil with the institutional system as well as the more complex economic-political society. Furthermore, Yang uses the comic book as the main genre, for that he regards comics as an individualistic pursuit that is intimate and reflective (Youtube). He also adopts sub-genres of sup erhero fiction and coming-of-age story in the novel to incorporate two different styles of stories that interrelate to each other. Three characters are portrayed by Yang in each story. All of them similarly feel the age to become Americanized with the expense of their original identity. The central characters include the Monkey King, who represents a superhero from the famous Chinese tale and Jin, who transforms himself into a typical white guy Danny to assimilate into American society. Yangs technique to adapt the old tale of Monkey King with some Catholic Elements proves that he successfully attracts not only Chinese American immigrants but also the audience from the dominant white culture. In addition, his own experience is reflected through the coming-of-age story, which persuades the wide range of audience of the novels credibility under the backdrop. In light of these methods, he inspires audience from various minority groups to discover and respect their cultural heritage. Stereotyped behaviors of Chin-Kee and Jin are depicted in the novel to present the distorted minority youth culture. Such students constantly face the hardships to accommodate and acculturate into American society. In anthropological terms, incommensurability refers to the fact that there are certain aspects of one culture that are hard for people from another culture to comprehend. According to American Born Chinese, Yang exaggerates scenes where Chin-Kee and Jin are constantly teased or excluded for the stereotyped behaviors by their white counterparts at school in order to reflect the incommensurable groups from the dominant culture. For instance, all the white students around Chin-Kee widely discuss about the fact that he eats crispy fried cat gizzards with noodle. Furthermore, the little white boy looks down upon Jin, who is introduced by the teacher on the first day of class. His expression very serious and disdainful, the boy insists that, My momma says Chinese people eat dogs . Yang goes on further to make the teacher respond that she thinks Jins family probably abandoned their old habit because they are eager to become like Americans (American Born Chinese).This two scenes indicates that the white students are unconsciously distinguishing between what we eat and what he eats. They fail to understand that this type of food, which they critically comment on, should not contribute to the reason why they regard their culture as more superior. As I have observed, Germans are frenzied about roasted pork feet. Also, Americans eat spam, a type of canned pork regularly. However, people from Islamic culture developed their eating habits that regard pork as dirty and inedible. Thus, the selection of food by people from different cultural backgrounds is idiosyncratic, and it should not be disrespected by anyone, for that otherwise the person automatically denies a part of his or her own culture. In the second scene, Yang intends to emphasize that educators should c ircumvent inequality and stereotypes while using their cultural power to teach students knowledge and the political structure. He arouses the audiences sympathy by presenting the critical stereotypes that the little boy Jin, who barely started his first day at an elementary school, has to experience. Jin not only encountered biased opinions from the teacher, but also the fellow classmates who spread rumors about his unusual relationship with a Japanese girl, Suzy Nakamura. At this point, the fact that white students concluded that Jin would marry Suzy once again implicates the students inability to notice that there are remarkable distinction between Chinese and Japanese culture although they both share the same Asian root. To a larger extent, the dominant groups falsely regard themselves as the mainstream culture and marked off a line between white society and the rest of others. This belief results in a subtraction process of minority youth culture that causes them to question the value of their original culture. Yang depicts the stereotyped opinions of Jins teachers and classmates to infer how academic environment influences Asian American immigrants like Jin to build their cultural identity. They need to constantly struggle between their original Asian blood and new Asian American citizenship. Also, through creating stereotypes from different angles of students and teachers toward Jin and Chin-Kee, Yang is able to persuade the audience that culture is a process that maintains the larger stratified system in American society. For instance, Jin assumes that he is not accepted by the dominant culture because of his racial identity. As a result of the cultural tension, he goes so far in the story as to transform himself into a white guy, Danny. Ironically, he ends up at a Chinese cafà © drinking Boba tea with Wei-Chen, the monkey, in a similar vein, who symbolically transforms into a human being. Jin abandons the American identity that he dreamed about. In this circumstance, the academic envir onment forced Jin to fight against his Chinese background to assimilate into the American society where white people rule the dominant culture. Yang deliberately set up the ending in which Jin ultimately recognizes that he should learn to appreciate his part of Chinese origin. This allows the minority immigrants under the similar context to understand that each culture encompasses unique practices and knowledge. The incommensurability is the product of students engagement in school activates. As a result, Yang shows how interactions among individuals empower the meaning of culture. He intends to emphasize that educators are responsible to inform the significance of culture and clarify the power structures beyond academic competence. Yang enhances the effect of Asian American stereotypes by applying rhetorical skills such as provocative language and ironic caricatures. Readers and Yang himself consider the language in American Born Chinese as unnecessarily crass (Yang, Kartika Review). Yang utilizes this style of language to transfer the idea that biased interrelationship of different cultures is unhealthy and uncivilized in a similar token. Furthermore, the categorized power structure influences younger generation to shape their notions toward a diversity of experience at school. For instance, Timmy, the white boy from Jins elementary school refers to Jin as bucktooth without any hesitation. He does not care what harm he causes Jin. On the other hand, Timmy changes his tone when he calls the other white friend Pansy Boy to a whisper due to his serious demand. Yangs use of transitional language here reflects Timmys perception of his position in the society. He visions white culture as more powerful and privileged , so that he verbally bullying the inferior races and compromise with the kid from his superior group. Lastly, Yang draws caricatures in the novel to symbolically refer to the exaggerated stereotypes that are placed on Asian American immigrants. For instance, Chin-Kee wears outdated clothing and has a physical appearance that looks like underdeveloped human beings. Also, Chin-Kee never changes his outfit throughout the novel and has long hair that only past ancestors do in China. Thus, through combining the Asian American stereotypes throughout the book with rhetorical devices such as language and caricatures, Yang successfully delivers the message that culture is not inherited but instead a process that is learned and shaped by power structures in the society through educational means. It is also described in the article Culture as Disability, written by McDermott and Varenne, that culture reveals not broken person but identifications neatly tuned to the workings of institutions serving political and economic ends. Yang intends to persuade educators that they should start to notice that it is their responsibility to respect each cultural practice and value. Although racial discrimination is hard to extinguish in the society, it is possible to educate young generation to appreciate their cultural heritage while assimilating into the American society. Most importantly, instructors should clarify the opportunity structure under the socio-economic context and ne atly tuned to explain the process of cultural construction. In this fashion, young generation may obtain different perspectives from It is because we are minority groups to We can make a difference because we are no different than people from the dominant culture. Electrical Stimulus in a Frog Muscle: Experiment Electrical Stimulus in a Frog Muscle: Experiment Frogs are keystone species, an essential organism to aquatic ecosystems. They have both terrestrial and aquatic niches as predators and prey and serve as indicator species to assess the response of ecosystems to environmental change. To execute daily locomotion patterns, frogs use skeletal muscles. We wanted to determine the relationship between the strength of the stimulus and the response of the muscle. We also wanted to measure the amplitude of contraction produced in a muscle that is stimulated with repeated pulses delivered at progressively higher frequencies. We hypothesized that increasing stimulus voltage in the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog will result in an increase in stimulation amplitude and that an increase in stimulation frequency at a constant voltage will result in an increase in force generated by the muscle up until a point where it plateaus. We found that our hypotheses were supported and that muscle regulation was via temporal and spatial recruitment. This study is important because it serves as a model for understanding skeletal muscle mechanisms in other organisms including humans. Frogs are widely distributed terrestrial amphibians that inhabit upland and wetland regions, found on all continents of the world except Antarctica. Many frog species, in both larval and adult stages serve as important prey for larger predators including fish, raccoons, snakes and birds of prey (Chalcraft and Resetarits 2003; Auniola and Kauhala 2001). Additionally frogs serve an important role as indicators of environmental stress (King 2010). A review of complex systems in temporary ponds by Wilbur (1997) makes the argument that frogs have two distinct niches, one terrestrial and one aquatic. Wilbur states all frogs with free-living larvae change at metamorphosis from aquatic omnivorous tadpoles to amphibious carnivorous adults. The role of such connections among food webs is a fruitful area for both theoretical and empirical research because the foraging of animals across ectones may be an important biological mechanism linking elements of the mosaics of habitats that form landsca pes. One trait frogs are most known for is locomotion. Frogs typically display two type of locomotion: jumping and swimming. Though frogs are traditionally presented as jump specialists most species also swim (Navas et al. 1999). Frogs exhibit these locomotive behaviors for a variety of reasons including escaping predators, often times by a short set of quick and powerful jumps (Carvalho, Gomes and Navas 2007). Frog locomotion is dependent on muscles, particularly skeletal muscles, which are muscles connected to the skeleton (Marsh and Olson 1998). Skeletal muscles are organized beginning with units called sarcomeres. A sarcomere consists of two opposing vertical Z-line discs each with actin filaments attached. A myosin filament floats between each horizontal actin section. Sarcomeres are connected to each other by Z-lines. One mechanism of muscle contraction begins with the sliding of the actin and myosin filaments. Parts of the myosin, known as myosin heads, bind to the free end of the actin, the end not attached to the Z-line, and pull it one way toward the center of the mysosin, in an accordian-like mechanism. The muscle shortens or contracts because the sarcomeres shorten. The process by which the myosin binds to the actin is called the Cross-Bridge cycle. The binding of the myosin to actin is the trigger for the myosin head to tilt and release an ADP and a P as well as a powerstroke. ATP binds to the myosin head and the myosin releases the actin, in a softening effect. The ATP is hydrolyzed and delivers energy to moved the mysosin head back and it is ready for the next powerstroke. The sarcomeres move closer together by many of these powerstrokes occurring one after the other. In the Cross-Bridge cycle myosin is normally prevented from binding to the actin. Another protein called tropomyosin, which is wrapped around the actin, is in the way to block the actin-myosin binding site. Another protein, troponin, is attached to the tropomyosin and when triggered, moves the troponin away to allow the binding to occur. But what triggers the tropomyosin to move the troponin? The simple answer is calcium and this occurs in a process called excitation-contraction coupling. In excitation-contraction coupling an action potential or electrical stimulus, runs down a T-tubule in the muscle fiber. The stimulus reaches a ryanodyne receptor which opens ion channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a storage space for calcium in the muscle fibers. Once the ion channels are opened, calcium runs out into the cell. For the muscle to relax or return to its original resting position, calcium must be moved back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by a SERCA pump. Because calcium is being moved against a concentration gradient, this relaxation requires ATP. The SERCA pump lowers calcium levels in the cytosol or cell and when the calcium is taken up again the muscle relaxes. Since muscles are not contracting all the time muscle contraction must be regulated. Regulating the muscles allows frogs to change aspects of locomotive behavior, such as how far a frog is able to jump. Muscle contraction force can be regulated by calcium in three mechanisms: temporal recruitment, in which the firing rate at which individual motor neurons fire is changed; spatial recruitment, in which the number of active motor units is changed; and the length-tension relationship, in which the sarcomere length is changed to generate tension. This study focuses on the force of muscle contraction via temporal and spatial recruitment. In temporal recruitment, the frequency of the action potential is changed, usually increased, so that more calcium is released into the muscle cell. More calcium in the cell results in more tension generated. Another mechanism for the regulation of muscle contraction force is motor unit recruitment, also known as spatial recruitment. A motor unit is comprised of muscle fibers and a motor neuron. There are different amounts of fibers per motor unit. In spatial recruitment the number of active motor units is increased to increase the strength of muscle contraction. More motor units means that more muscle fibers can be stimulated. If only half of the muscle fibers are stimulated, only half the amount of force will be generated. If all of the muscle fibers are stimulated, the maximum amount of force will be generated. We hypothesized that if we increase voltage of an electrical stimulus in a frog muscle we will see an increase in stimulation amplitude and if we increase stimulation frequency at a constant voltage, we will see an increase in force generated by the muscle up until a point where it plateaus. Materials Methods: We used the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog in two experiments. In the first experiment we used a single stimulus, changing the voltage of the stimulus from 0 volts to 2.0 volts. The force of the muscle was recorded. In the second experiment we stimulated the muscle in series of ten using a constant voltage identified in the first experiment. The frequency of the stimuli was progressively increased starting at 0.5 and ending at 30 Hz. Results: Our results showed that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. Our results also showed that as the stimulation frequency increases the passive tension of the muscle increase up until a point where it plateaus. Figure 1 shows a normalized graph for the effects of increasing stimulus on the amplitude of muscle twitches in the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog. The x-axis is the recorded stimulus in volts and the y-axis is the amplitude of the twitches (displayed as a percentage of the maximum). The graph shows that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. Table 1 shows a set of group data from the first experiment, in which amplitude and times of muscle twitches were generated by stimulus pulses of different amplitudes. As in Figure 1, Table 1 shows that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. The contraction time and latency period remains largely unchanged with changing stimulus amplitude. Figure 2 shows a normalized graph for the effects of increasing stimulation frequency on the passive tension in the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog. The x-axis is the stimulus frequency in hertz and the y-axis is the passive tension in the muscle (displayed as a percentage of the maximum). The graph shows that as the stimulation frequency increases the passive tension of the muscle increase up until a point where it plateaus. Table 2 shows a set of group data from the second experiment, in which the strength of muscle contraction was examined during mechanical summation and tetanus. As in Figure 2, Table 2 shows that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. The amplitude of the first twitch remains largely unchanged with changing stimulus amplitude. Discussion: The data shows that the direct electrical stimulation produces contraction of the muscle via motor units. A little bit of force is generated when a few of these motor units are being used and a lot of force is generated when lots of motor units are being used. The muscle does not respond to the low stimulus voltages because the electrical stimulus is not directly touching the muscle, it is touching the surrounding connective tissue. The low stimulus voltages are not strong enough to penetrate the tissue. As noted in Figure 1 and Table 1 the amplitude of the muscle response increases with increasing stimulus voltages. This is so because more and more of the muscle mass is stimulated as the voltages increase. At high stimulus voltages, the muscle response reaches maximum amplitude. The muscle response does not continue to increase with increasing stimulus voltages because the muscle is already functioning at the best of its ability. The muscle cells have reached the point where all the troponins are activated by calcium. Releasing more calcium into the cell will not result in any more tension generated, as the system is already working at its maximum capacity. Latency is the interval between stimulus and a response to the stimulus, here meaning muscle contraction. Over this period, the action potential sweeps across the cell membrane of the muscle cell and the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions. The muscle fiber does not produce tension during the latent period, because the contraction cycle has yet to begin. The latency period in this study was constant at 0.025 seconds.This result been found by anyone else and it seems does not vary among other species, since it is roughly the same for humans (Hamilton and Osborn 1977). Since contraction amplitude is dependent upon the increases in concentration and persistence of intracellular calcium, the question of why the contraction amplitudes of single twitches are the same is raised. This can be explained because the same amount of calcium is being put in for the same repeated event. As noted in Table 2, the amplitude of the first twitch seems to be constant (value). This can be explained because the muscle is utilizing the same amount of calcium and is thus generating the same amount of force. Tetanus is the complete contraction of a muscle. Tetanus requires high stimulus frequencies. This tells us that the calcium re-uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum is slower than the original release. The rate of muscle relaxation is much slower after tetanus than after a single twitch because more calcium needs to be re-taken up and it takes longer to get all the extra added calcium back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. A study on jumping bullfrogs by Marsh and Roberts reveals two points of interest: first, frogs jump farther than they should, considering only the force their muscles are able to generate. Second, muscles are able to do the most work when they contract slowly, however frog jumping involves a very rapid movement. They explain that by separating the performance of muscular work from the application of mechanical work to the body, a catapult-like mechanism, which works by loading elastic elements into the limbs prior to initiating a jump, overcomes the constraints of skeletal muscle function (Marsh and Roberts 2003). Another study by Aerts and Nauwelaerts (2006) indicates that by taking more small jumps as opposed to fewer larger jumps, frogs can increase their flexibility in movement because they would be able to change direction during the forward movement part jumping. Theoretically this means they would spend less time in the same spot during landing and recovery of the jumping cycle, which makes them more likely to be snatched by a predator. Frogs have physiological mechanisms that have enabled their muscles to generate enough force for jumping and swimming locomotion including changing the frequency of the action potential and increasing the number of active motor units. As mentioned before, frogs are a keystone species, meaning other organisms rely on it and not always directly in a predator-prey relationship. Without frogs, food webs would collapse and lead to the demise of many other species and potentially entire ecosystems. This study is important because it serves as a model for understanding skeletal muscle mechanisms in other organisms including humans.
Essay --
In 1815 The Battle of New Orleans was fought, became the largest battle of the war of 1812, and was won by Andrew Jackson. From that time he was recognized as a national hero for winning such a huge war, even though the Treaty of Ghent was the armistice which had ended the War of 1812, and was signed earlier than when The Battle of New Orleans occurred. The Product of The War of 1812 was nationalism. â€Å"America may not have fought the war as one nation, but it emerged as one nation.†(â€Å"Nascent Nationalism†). American art and literature had developed and proceeded to show that nationalism began. â€Å"Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper attained international recognition in the 1820s, significantly as the nation’s first writers of importance to use American scenes and themes†(â€Å"Nascent Nationalism†). American authors had begun to receive equal attention to European writers, and were capable of achieving the level of writing only European authors were recognized as having. â€Å"Irving’s Bracebridge Hall (1822) received at least 32 reviews in the British press, equaling the attention given the work of the two most popular British authors, Byron and Scott.†(Eaton). The American System, similar to the Federalist System, produced economic diversification and represents an effect of nationalism, with its goal to create a unified expanding economy. Henry Clay wanted to create a strong national bank, which would grant lots of mortgages in the West and South. He also envisioned a strong transportation system. The tariff of 1816 was the first tariff in American history passed by Congress â€Å"instituted primarily for protection and revenue†(â€Å"The American System†). Clay wanted a protective tariff that would allow for the flourishing of eastern ma... ... A strong central government was important to Jackson. This strengthened the improved and developed American nationalism. With the belief in a strong democracy and increased involvement and power of man in the government, Jackson supported the rise of nationalism. Nationalism pushed Jackson to make decisions, which shaped the country. This was shown when he threatened South Carolina by getting military ready for action to enforce the federal tariff. Although South Carolina did not go along with paying the tariff, they complied with the government and their idea of collecting a federal tariff. Nationalism imposed many different ideas and was the guiding factor in important American leader’s decisions. Nationalism, as a political ideology shaped the social life of Americans, and was responsible for the political culture of the United States within the years 1815-1836.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Exploring Music Trading :: Essays Papers
Exploring Music Trading Background The recording of live music goes back over a century to the beginnings of audio recording technology itself. The organized recording and trading of a band's live shows by devoted fans, however, is generally traced back to the late '60s or early '70s. The first band which allowed and encouraged such activity was, of course, the Grateful Dead. Although the Dead never had a true radio hit, they were able to become the most consistently successful touring act of all time in no small part by allowing their fans to record and then trade (but never sell) copies of each of their live shows. Both the library and music trading communities may find themselves under profit-minded assault in the present and near future. By the time the Grateful Dead called it a career in 1995 with the death of guitarist and guru Jerry Garcia, a number of other bands had taken notice and were emulating the practice of allowing audience taping and trading. Prominent among these bands were first-wave "HORDE" (named for a successful festival tour) or "jambands" such as Phish and Blues Traveler. Despite the lack of MTV or radio support, Phish managed to gross over $20 million per year from their tours in the late '90s. The band consistently sold out venues for multi-day runs, while MTV-friendly bands were playing in front of half-full houses. While there is no real estimate of the number of touring bands today which allow audience taping and trading, a rough guess would place the low end at well over a hundred (given that 80-taper friendly bands were at the High Sierra Music Festival last summer, and at least an equal number were not). Many of these bands now allow, encourage or initiate the posting of their shows to var ious online sites such as (a must-see site for all library types, not just for the excellent live shows contained therein), usually in SHN or FLAC formats, where they are available for free download to anyone with a high-speed connection. Given the harsh attitude of the major recording labels (as expressed through the Recording Industry Association of America's various peer-to-peer lawsuits) toward "unauthorized" distribution of copyrighted recordings on the ground that it damages the fortunes of their artists [author's note: one should be properly skeptical of any record company claims of interest in their artists' well being], why, then would bands allow the essentially free distribution of live shows?
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Management Manifesto Essay
What is management? According to Kinicki Williams textbook â€Å"Management, management is defined as the pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by integrating the work of people through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organization resources (Ch. 1, pg. 5 Management: A practical introduction). I believe in order to be an effective manager you must be a positive, goal orient, organized individual. I also believe an effective manager is an individual that motivates their staff and leads by example. I believe all managers should follow the management process. The management process is defined as performing the four principal functions of a manager to get things done. The four principal functions of the management process are, planning, organizing, controlling, and leading. In the management process Planning is defined as setting goals and deciding on ways to achieve those goals (Ch. 1 pg.14 Management: A practical introduction). For example Stets on University purpose is to give its students an awesome education. Each administrator and professor set this as a goal and spends the entire summer on preparing lessons and finding out ways to make this possible. In the management process Organizing is defined as arranging tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish work (Ch. 1 pg.15 Management: A practical introduction). For example my supervisor takes the liberty of providing her staff with an event calendar for each month of the year. This keeps me and other coworkers prepared and well organized for upcoming events and tasks. In the management process you all have Controlling. Controlling is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed (Ch. 1 pg.15 Management: A practice Introduction). For example an employee performance evaluation is due every three months in my company I work for. Last in the management process you have Leading. Leading is defined as motivating, directing, and otherwise influencing people to work hard to achieve the organizations goals (Ch. 1 pg.15 Management: A practical introduction). The company I work for has a department director who leads and directs me and other employees on how to work hard to achieve goals in our recreation department. There are different levels of management. You have Top managers, Middle managers, and First line managers. Top managers are managers that make long term decisions about the overall direction of the organization and establish the objective, policies, and strategies for its (Ch. 1 pg. 17 Management: A practical introduction). In my companies case the top manager would be my department director. Middle managers are managers that implement the policies and plans of the top managers above them and supervise and coordinate the activities of the first-line managers below them (Ch. 1 pg.17 Management: a practical introduction). In my companies case this will be my supervisor. First-line managers are managers that make short-term operating decisions, directing the daily tasks of no managerial personnel (Ch. 1 pg. 18 Management: practical introduction). In my companies case this will be me. When it comes to being a good manager, I believe along with following the management process you must coach your staff, counsel your staff, com municate with the staff, manage teams, take the lead, and most importantly value their employee’s contribution. In my current place of work I hold a first-line manager position. As manager I strive to be successful. Mission Statement As a manager I will continue to be a positive team leader and role model. Self-SwotSwot also known as the situation analysis stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Swot analysis is divided into two parts: inside matters and outsides. Swot is the analysis of internal strengths and weaknesses and analysis of external opportunities and threats. Using the Swot analysis should provide managers with realistic understanding of your mission in a company. S-Strengths Caring individual Smart Quick-witted Quality customer service skills Organization skills Great team player Highly proficient in Microsoft Office Swift learner Efficient in meeting goals and quota Experience in interacting with customers to provide information in response to inquiries about products and services, and to handle and resolve complaints. Experience in marketing and sales W-Weaknesses Lack of authority sometimes Favoritism Sensitive Too caring Emotional attached Too trustworthy To sympathetic O-Opportunities (External Opportunities) Community involvement Ability to learn an gain from ever situation good or bad Awesome problem solver Ability to adapt to all opportunities T-Threats (External Threats) Health issues if I become sick I cannot attend work due to my position Competitors Natural disasters Budget fail Lack of community involvement Management Action Plan My plan to help me continue to be a successful manager is to remember the keys and what I was taught throughout the course. I will use the management process to help me remain a successful manager and become a more successful manager. I will use this knowledge to become a hardworking, committed, and productive, and effective manager. Along with this I will develop a successful strategy that defines my vision and values. I will also translate the strategy define the strategic objectives and themes. I will plan operations by improving programs. I will test and adapt strategies by conducting performance analyses. Last but not least I will monitor and learn. I will make sure to review strategy. To become a great manager I will make sure to improve personally and professionally. It is my desire to my utilizing past experience and qualifications to become an good manager. I will continue to be a team player that is willing to provide support to my employees. I will utilize my excellent interpersonal skills. To become a good manager I will continue not to be afraid of challenges or difficult situations. I have been recognized for strong commitment, follow-through, and ensuring optimal service and productivity. I plan to keep that up to become a great manager. This course has taught me all the ways to be a proficient manager. I will use this knowledge in the near future. Works Cited Williams, Kimicki &. Management: A Practical Introduction. 5e ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print
Economics for Business Essay
When we speak well-nigh the UK securities industry of berthal go, its image is indispensably machine-accessible with the notion of monopoly. For lots than 350 years the UK postal grocery store has been rule by the purple light. However, since 2006 the securities industry has been plainspoken to competitors, and the postal operate trade players strove for possessing bear upon business opportunities. It is inherent to review the original trends in the postal suffices grocery inside the UK done with(predicate) the prism of monopoly, contestation, and their benefits/ effect for the consumer and the boilers suit qualification/ quality of postal serve in the country.Monopoly over-embellished institutionalize in the UK has for long been referred to as inside and increasingly unusual mental attitude of cosmos a state-owned compe precise saved from the commercial-gradeize center place (Crew & Kleindorfer 2007, p. 7). As a issue, gallant get off has last on e of the brightest representatives of what monopoly is inwardly the British providence as a whole. It is essential to understand that when we speak about the state of postal inspection and repairs in the UK groceryplace, it thronenot be described rising(prenominal) than non hawkish before the year 2006.Moreover, crimson in the light of the improving communication strategies, munificent put up was not losing its position, and was unconstipated alter it we argon still dependent on the streamlined, speedy deliin truth of bills and payments to our homes and businesses in deepen for the price of a stamp (Starkey 2006, p. 71). contempt the primarily negative attitudes towards the monopolistic position of lofty harness, monopoly is an objective commercialize notion, and as any other securities industry neighborly organization, it possesses its benefits and its disadvantages. In order to arrive to relevant conclusions, we urinate to consider both.One of the major adv antages of monopoly, and oddly in the postal service, is utilization the principles of the economy of scale in little postal enterprises this task whitethorn become out(predicate) to fulfill. Moreover, having much(prenominal) available free resources, monopolies atomic number 18 frequently viewed as being appressed to innovation than any other smaller enterprises at bottom the postal work sector. However, this assertion is rather argumentative, and economical professionals tended to evaluate over-embellished ring mails position at heart the postal go market place as negatively monopolistic (AICES 2006, p. 8).This simply meant that Royal commit was not striving towards exercising its free resources to bring innovation into postal operate sector as a result, challenger was viewed as the only solving for that exhausting economic business office. This is a well- write outn(a) fighting, when one tries to assess the opportunities and drawbacks of the monopolistic market structure while monopoly generates meaning(a) loot which could latently be manageed at innovations, it simultaneously lacks any incentives to mention these innovations real. This conflict has become the major reason for break the market of UK postal operate to controversy.It is even to a greater extent interesting to bear in mind that rivalry is not continuously the best solution to all economic problems of monopoly, and the responses to disruption the postal market in the UK ar still dubious and exceedingly various. Much of nonsense is out-of-pocket to the ease of postal services. Here commercial firms play for, and take, the lucrative part, the business mail. We all k nowadays what happens then. My own bank envelopes come with a commercial firms logotype the various branches email the details to a central department, where statements are prepared, one transport takes it all aside and they only tolerate to deliver to main postcode sectors. (Clark 2007)The monopolistic structure of the UK market was not connected with any type of competitor the market was dominated by Royal charge, and this ad valorem tax release connection served the only postal services supplier in the country. With the disposal being the major Royal send offs shareholder, it was comprehendible why this provider possessed multiple economic benefits and did not assay to improve the quality of its services (Sloman 2004, p. 45). For us to understand all implications of the UK postal services liberalization, we come to the description and evaluation of the up-to-the-minute situation inwardly the UK postal market sector.The sassy market structure of postal services in the UK It is truly important to understand how the postal services market in the UK looks at present. It should be noted that Royal brand soon faces the competition from other 17 postal companies, and this market structure seems to create well-heeled conditions for effective competition. The vauntinglyst portion of mail within this market goes from businesses to consumers (Starkey 2006, p. 72). Several companies name sign-language(a) access agreements with Royal Mail, allowing mail they perk up collected and sorted to be feed into Royal Mails communicate for final delivery.Royal Mail make 2. 4 billion access deliveries in 2006-07 (Starkey 2006, p. 72). Even with the 17 new postal companies becoming competitive to Royal Mail, the latter(prenominal) still provides 99% of all postal deliveries within the UK. We nookyt make the companies take advantages. We can just commemorate the rules and put in a licensing regime, barely Royal Mil exit constantly be the major service provider (Simpkins 2005). Other alternative postal service providers are currently capable of providing any types of postal services, with the exception of non-bulk items delivery, less than 100g in weight (Crew & Kleindorfer 2007, p. 8).Thus, is it possible to offer that the postal services market in the UK has become as aerofoil as nigh had expected it to be? Of course, it is possible that the sufficient cause of possibleness the UK postal services market are not so far perceive by the nodes and businesses. However, it is also verisimilar that at that place still exist significant barriers to competition within the postal market. Postcomm is come to that the competition so far has been too limited, and that this has allowed Royal Mail to get away with providing customers with a poor quality service (Crew & Klenidorfer 2007, p. 9).Before 2006 the mail market of the UK was verbalise to lack competition, solely possessing a grand potential for growth as a result many viewed competition and market bleakness as the best stop to multiple issues postal monopoly in the UK traditionally rose (Falkenhall & Kolmodin 2005, p. 10). The opposition of Royal Mail to opening the market was natural and understandable the company viewed this step as the direct pathway towards reduction of the profit margins, except the situation could not remain unvaried payable to contemporary economic requirements towards competition.The skill of postal services after opening the market will gradually change. This bring will be slow due to multiple barriers created on the way of potential Royal Mail competitors. However, some of the sideline results can be expected within the long-term period, and after legion(predicate) postal companies acquire beauteous access to antithetical niches of the postal services market. First, the emergence of new services will increase the overall power of the postal services in the UK.It is already evident that being encircled by multiple competitors that strive for curb and expanding their market share, even Royal Mail had to introduce a three-year plan of reclamation changes pay included the introduction of angiotensin converting enzyme Day Delivery, reviews of its mail centers and transport and a significant number of redundancies (Starkey 2006, p. 74). Second, the competition provided increases efficiency by providing foreign market players with the opportunity to enter the market of postal services as a result the efficiency of postal services at the inter issue level also increases, which is curiously important for businesses.Royal Mail was one time blamed for being underdeveloped in terms of mechanizing its services, and making them more efficient (Falkenhall & Kolmodin 2005, p. 14). The current market processes in the UK postal services structure urge companies to stifle their work force and to implement effective IT solutions for meliorate services provision. Although, this does not mean that creating competition in the area of postal services inevitably leads to unemployment.With the creation and expansion of backstage postal operators, the amount of required qualify workforce increases, and we can state that competition only contri butes into ever-changing the balance of workfo rce between the operators. Competition is the best bill of increasing profitability and efficiency of national postal operators (Crew & Kleindorfer 2007, p. 44). One may suggest that the discussed changes in the market were long pass judgment, and the point of legal uncertainty and Royal Mails monopoly seriously hindered the process of investiture into postal services by backstage operators.What one can expect now is the growing efficiency of the postal services along with the increase price catch and the constant process of quality onward motion in the structure of postal services in the UK. It should be noted, that the discussed improvements will and could slip by in the ideal economic situation, when the openness of the market means providing real honest opportunities for competitors. However, the reality of the situation is different dear competition in the UK postal market is blocked by two very fundamental issues Royal Mails unique vat exemption and the heighten on downstream access (Starkey 2006, p. 4). one-on-one players of the postal market cannot access fair business opportunities and increase their efficiency against the zonal pricing introduced by Royal Mail not long before opening the market. Royal Mail has an access to changing its prices without being reviewed by Postcomm (Clark 2007). As a result, we face the challenge of competition vs. the realities of destabilisation in the UK market of postal services. We cannot objectively state that the competition was introduced to increase efficiency, when Royal Mail creates unfavorable conditions for the rival operators (Starkey 2006, p. 5). speckle the efficiency of postal services changes very slowly, it is more than evident that the customers engender already benefited from making the market of postal services competitive. First of all, private operators have changed the violence of their services from being business-oriented to being customer-oriented. As a result, new entrants are m ental synthesis their products around their customers needs rather than postulation their customers to fit in around their businesses (Starkey 2006, p. 75).For example, numerous private customers have already perceived the benefits of later collection times (AICES 2006, p. 11). It is anticipated that private market players will funding expanding the range of postal services in case no barriers are created against these initiatives. The blow of competitive postal services on the customer is better to be viewed finished the prism of Royal Mail achievements. The company has been the leading postal provider for intimately 400 years, and its changing position and market attitudes can display the tendencies of economic schooling as a result of market openness.The major changes have taken place in companys attitudes towards their customers although in that location is still some way to go to embed a culture of commercial customer focus throughout the organization, there is no doubt that Royal Mail has turned the corner (AICES 2006, p. 18). Customers have acquired additive power in maintaining effective relations with the postal service Royal Mail services turn towards being more attentive to their customers.They have displayed new abilities to get word to the customer, and to change in accordance with the customers requirements. Competition appears to be the progeny of choice for the customer consequentially, companies in the postal services sector have more incentives to pursue customer value through innovation and better customer satisfaction. The current situation in the UK market of postal services is still much upset and contradicting. On the one hand, we have the point of customers being completely satisfied with postal services being competitive.On the other hand, we cannot agree to the fact that the efficiency of postal services has increased even through the prism of growing profitability of some postal services. Certainly, the postal services ha ve reached the stage at which costs are more comparable to the prices of postal services the elimination of monopoly has opened the gateways to being more reasonable and more objective in setting the price for postal services. Simultaneously, it is difficult to disagree to the fact that Royal Mail still occupies 96% of the UK market (Starkey 2006, p. 6). The vegetable marrow of competition is not in attracting rivals, but rather providing consumers with choice. In this situation efficiency of postal services is replaced by more important customer preferences. Monopoly is a enormous, big issue, and it is a test of our society as to whether we are to organize everything to make a profit (Benn 2007). Royal Mail is the soma of the economic riddle in the area of postal services in the UK. This paradox lies in connection with economies of scale.While with the large delivery volumes Royal Mails unit costs are low, but with Royal Mail being monopolistic the company can hardly be called e fficient. Thus, with the price of Royal Mails services being extremely competitive and sometimes too low, it is simultaneously inefficient (Falkenhall & Kolmodin 2005, p. 29). Competition thus appears more good for the customers, than for the companies in the postal services niche. It is essential that other private players can have access to similar scale benefits even if they cannot compete to the well-branched delivery network of Royal Mail.The efficiency of Royal Mails rivals cannot be increased until the issue of VAT exemption is resolved. The VAT regime for post in the UK is a particularly unwholesome barrier. Most people here will be aware that although Royal Mail is VAT exempt, its competitors are not, which causes pricing distortions oddly for those customers that are also VAT exempt (Starkey 2006, p. 76). Simultaneously, there is another serious touch on about the rival companies behavior on the market.Some specialists fear that what takes place in Royal Mail is subs idizing lighter items with heavier mail, subsidizing social users for the account of business users, etc (Crew & Kleindorfer 2007, p. 51). In this situation competitive postal companies will strive for taking the intimately lucrative market niches, leaving Royal Mail without income from the most profitable services. However, this is where VAT exemption can serve for the benefit of the company due to the lower prices, it is hardly possible that open competition will jeopardize the linguistic universal service and Royal Mail in general.In this situation one may possible predict the instability of the postal services market in the short period, and instability of the market structure is no better than previously existing monopoly. The UK postal services have appeared in the extremely essential stage of reconstruction introducing competition cannot go smoothly for all market players. It should be noted that the issues of elimination or threat to the universal service are easily neut ralized, and universal services can in no way be compromised by introducing competition.Any objective epitome shows that consumers, as well as businesses, have benefited from market opening through higher(prenominal) quality. In addition, prices have been substantially cut for business customers while households have been protected from price increases (Sloman 2004, p. 97). Yet, our objective analysis shows that competition in the UK postal services is in its initial stage. We have proved that customers manifestly benefit from making the post market competitive, but the economic efficiency of the postal services is still to be achieved and increased. end pointWe have come to conclusion that the effects of competition in the UK market of postal services are primarily viewed within the area of consumer satisfaction. The overall economic efficiency of postal services still leaves much to be desired. However, introduction of competition is the satisfying basis for providing consume rs with choice, and expanding the market structure of postal services in the country. Certainly, monopoly possesses its advantages, but competition is the best perspective for both the new private players and Royal Mail in creating incentives for development and improvement.
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